Short Latin sayings have been traditionally used in heraldry as slogans and mottos. Hence Semper fidelis, the Marine Corps motto, Carpe diem, a life motto for Casanova types and Memento mori, a stern reminder to all.
If you desire to make your own Latin motto, but don't want to go back to school and take a Latin course, this set of scripts is designed to offer some help.
in veritate amicitia - scientia sapientes juvat - vita et pulchritudo
(thanks Rodolfo)
[ Latin Motto ]
If you desire to make your own Latin motto, but don't want to go back to school and take a Latin course, this set of scripts is designed to offer some help.
in veritate amicitia - scientia sapientes juvat - vita et pulchritudo
(thanks Rodolfo)
[ Latin Motto ]
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