domingo, 9 de setembro de 2007

Visual Poetry Generator

Visual Poetry generator lets you to write a comment or poem in the shape of hearts or other symbols then send it as a greeting or post to MySpace or your blog.

Visual Poetry Generator

[Visual Poetry Generator]

Awareness Ribbons Generator

Create your very own Awareness ribbon for your Webpages MySpace, Facebook, TagWorld etc.

Awareness Ribbons Generator

[Awareness Ribbons Generator]

Election Campaign Button Generator

Enter text to replace the text in the image. Click 'Preview' to view the new image. Click the heart to add a symbol to your message design. Voila! You got your very own Election Campaign Button.

Election Campaign Button Generator

[Election Campaign Button Generator]

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2007

Idea Generator

Need more ideas? Let Idea Generator help you to find out.

[Idea Generator]

terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2007

Bob Dylan Message Generator.

Subterranean Homesick Blues is a song written by Bob Dylan, originally released on the album Bringing It All Back Home in March 1965. The song was also notable for its innovative film clip. Dylan holds up cue cards and while the song plays, he flips the cards.

Now you can make your own Dylan Message using cue cards.

Here's a message I made.

(thanks Honey)

[ Bob Dylan Message Generator ]

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2007

Live Television Widget Generator

Create your own Live Television Widget, you can also Add and Manage Channels, Customize and Design, Preview before paste the code to your blog, website, myspace or friendster.

Live Television Widget Generator.

[Live Television Widget Generator]

Password Generator

Password security shouldn't be taken lightly. Security professional will tell you that secure passwords should be difficult to guess and difficult to break using brute force methods. The strongest password is a series of random characters. But this is difficult for humans to remember. What good is a secure password when you can't remember it yourself? We offer a password generator that uses real words mixed with enough random numbers and symbols to be secure.

Create a secure random password based a mixture of actual dictionary words, random letter case, numbers and symbols.

[Password Generator]

Pin Generator

PinGen - a program for generating PIN numbers

[Pin Generator]

M&M Character Generator.

Create your own M&M's character.

(thanks carolynnrennee)

[ M&M Character Generator ]

Simpsons Generator

Gerador de Personagens dos simpsons.

Muito show, voce faz upload da foto e ele gera o personagem... vale a pena uma visita

Jogos Mega Sena

Ta dificil de escolher os numeros que vai jogar na megasena ? Aceite um palpite.

Veja o link Abaixo

domingo, 2 de setembro de 2007

My Little Pony Generator.

Create your own My Little Pony character.

[ My Little Pony Generator ]

It's also possible to start test breeding. Create a father pony and a mother pony and see how the baby pony would look like.

DoppelMe Avatar Generator.

With DoppelMe you can create a cool graphical likeness of yourself, your friends, family or any group of people for use as an avatar in forums, instant messenger, blogs and almost anywhere else on the web. And it's free.

[ DoppelMe Avatar Generator ]

German Name Generator.

Generate a random German name.

I think I'll go for: Hans-Jürgen Ribhege.

[ German Name Generator ]

BFU Student Identification Generator

This college student identification generator is specifically created to assist the international student body in creating their own Bastiat Free University picture ID.

(thanks Allan)

[ BFU Student Identification Generator ]



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